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What Are the Different Kinds of Roofing Contractor Jobs?

There are different kinds of roofing contractor jobs, ranging from estimating the project to the actual physical installation of the materials on the roof. Tile removing, tar application, and shingle installation are but a few of the different jobs which are common during a roofing project. For some kinds of rubber roofing jobs, the most tiring of all is the spreading of the pea stone, while some green systems have staff that lays sod on top of a waterproof membrane on a roof.

One of the most vital of all jobs is that of the estimator. This individual, normally a crew foreman, will meet with a potential client and provide him/her with an estimate of the cost of a new roof. If it is too high, the job is usually lost to another company; however, if the quote is too low, the job will not provide a profit or a homeowner could get angry at a higher bill than the previously estimated price. Since the estimator is the first person a client will meet with, the prices of all the materials, in addition to colors, features, and any warranties, have to be clearly understood by the estimator, in order to provide the right information to their client.

With some roofs, the whole pre-existing roof first has to be taken off. This kind of job is turned over to the tear off team. These jobs include not just the removal of the old tiles, shingles, or metal materials, but the roof itself, normally made from plywood, must be taken off to expose the rafters. The roof is then rebuilt by teams that have carpentry experience. Once the roof is re-built, it will then be covered with felt paper, and tiles, shingles, or metal sheets by the roofers. This is usually done with the help of an air-powered nail gun which has replaced the older method of a hammer and nails.

Call Ripon Area Roofing LLC now at (920) 320-1575, if you are a resident of Berlin, WI looking for an expert roofing contractor.

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